U-Grow Organic Community Gardens

Community Garden Agreement
“U - Grow” is part of a “certified organic” farm, is inspected at least annually and must strictly adhere to what is allowed, regulated or prohibited in the growing of vegetables, flowers etc, as specified in the organic “guidebook” of Canadian Organic Standards. The general guideposts for organic growing can be found here.
Any question about the use of products or inputs not clarified by the above noted must be clarified with the manager, prior to use.
Organically produced seeds, transplants and planting stock.
Organically grown annual transplants (seedlings)e.g. tomatoes, peppers etc.
Organically grown perennials e.g. raspberries, strawberries.
Organic Compost/ composted manure/ some seed meals
O.M.R.I. listed materials. (Organic Materials Review Institute)
Untreated conventionally grown seeds, potatoes, garlic, onion sets and other annuals or perennials are allowable only if you have kept documentation of having extensively searched and found organic sources unavailable . Contact us beforehand, if any questions.
U-Grow Gardeners are required to complete and submit a Community Gardens Input Record each year, documenting everything used in their garden during the growing season, including: sources and status of seeds, tubers, transplants, and all applications such as manure, soils amendments etc. Input Records must be submitted by returning gardeners by March 15th of the following year. Any non-returning gardener must submit inputs prior to cleanup deposit being returned.
Treated seeds
Treated lumber
Netting with holes large enough to trap birds
Conventional (Non-organically grown) annual transplants
Synthetic or chemical fertilizer ,on any seeds, seedlings, planting stock or soil.
Synthetic or chemically derived fungicide, herbicide or insecticide
Genetically engineered organisms or inoculants
Any growing practise prohibited by the Canadian Organic Standards and/or not in compliance with organic production systems perm
Any question about the use of products or inputs not clarified by the above noted must be clarified with the manager, Stuart Bucholtz @ 604.888.1236 or westcreekorganics@yahoo.com prior to use.
Thank you for respecting the requirements for growing on our Certified Organic Farm
I will pay a refundable “clean-up” deposit minimum of an amount equal to 1.5 X the price of my garden rental fee unless I have followed this agreement and have my garden forked or dug over and/or planted in a winter cover crop by Oct. 15st and have submitted my Garden Input Record.
I understand that after Oct. 15th, my “clean-up” deposit will reserve my same garden location until March 15th of the following year at which time full payment is due.
For farm management purposes, we need to determine garden plot availability for the season by March 15th each year. If we have not heard from you and received payment by this date, your garden plot may be reassigned to another gardener and your clean-up deposit may be forfeited.
Snow Farms, some nurseries provided it's certified organic, or search online
West Coast Seeds, Saltspring Seeds
We occasionally have a limited supply of garlic or OMRI certified compost. Contact us for availability.
I will Have Fun, and:
follow the “Guideposts for Growing” as set out above. Any breach of this will result in immediate termination of garden plot use, without refund
keep my garden maintained and tidy throughout the growing season, without allowing weeds or grass to set seeds. If for any reason I must abandon my plot, I will notify the Manager. If my plot becomes unkempt, I understand that the plot will be tilled under and forfeited with partial or no refund to me
keep my garden, compost pile/bin, and hoses within my garden area, without encroaching on shared pathways or other gardens
Leave corner marker stakes in - DO NOT REMOVE
keep irrigation water from landing on neighbouring gardens and harvest my own crops only; No sampling of other’s produce without permission.
not bring pets into the gardens,
keep the bathroom clean, and close all doors and gates before leaving the farm
not sell any produce grown at U-grow
be responsible for my family and guests respecting this agreement while at U-Grow
I will compost my garden weeds and plant material within my garden or, sort and place on the correctly marked compost pile. I will remove weed seed heads and entire weeds listed as invasive and/or noxious into a plastic bag and remove this material from the garden for disposal in my household green bin, paying special attention to Creeping Field Cress.
I will not put plastic of any kind (e.q. string, tags, etc.) onto compost pile
I may take drinking water home for my personal/family use
I will be responsible for my own tools and may leave them in my Garden or the storage shed. Garden shed storage space is $50/per annum, subject to availability. I understand that the owner/ manager is not responsible for loss or theft of personal belongings brought onto or left on the farm
I understand that neither U - GROW organic community gardens nor Stuart Bucholtz are in any way responsible for my actions and I therefore agree to hold harmless U - GROW organic community gardens, and Stuart Bucholtz, for any liability, damage or claim that occurs in connection with the use of the garden by me or any of my guests.